
#17 Long-term care insurance (介護保険について 日本語併記)

Y’s Tips Channel

#17 Long-term care insurance (介護保険について)

Today I’d like to talk about long-term care insurance. 今回は介護保険についてお伝えします。

Long-term care insurance system started in 2000. Before that, older people were taken care of in each family. But, Japanese economy grew so rapidly, many young people left their local town. Then it became very difficult to take care of them properly in each family. That’s why the long-term care insurance system has been established to take care of them in their local community.


The registration for the system starts at the age of 40. Everybody has to be enrolled in the system. If you work for the company, your premiums is added on the health care insurance. So, those premiums are deducted from your payroll.


What can be covered by the insurance? There are various services to support elderly people’s life. If you are over 65, you can apply for the insurance whenever you need the care. But you are between the age of 40 and 64, you can apply for the insurance only if you are rheumatoid, Alzheimer or such kind of disease. Those are called aging oriented diseases because these are  mainly caused by aging. Or you get cancer and you are on the severe stage which is called terminal cancer. you can’t apply for insurance if you get injured by a car accident. That’s something you have to know the difference according to the age.


Here is a procedure to get the benefit. If you need care, you can consult with the local government office or comprehensive community support center. If your family needs the care, you can call them instead of the person who needs the care. There are 7 levels in the systems, 2 support levels and 5 care levels. Since the services are different depending on the levels, the representative come to your place to see your situation. Then, they decide which level you are on. Once your level is certified , your care plan is designed.


Care manager designs care plan depending on what kinds of services you need. There are different kinds of services. For example, in house services, facilities services and others. Appropriate services are designed for individuals.


Care plan is designed depending on the levels and each level has a monthly budget. Care manager designs your plan within the budget. If you are on care level 2, your monthly budget is about 200,000 yen. However you don’t have to pay all the money because 90% of the cost is covered by the insurance. The cost you have to pay is 10% of the money actually spend. However if you want more services, exceeded budget you have to pay 100% of the cost.
