Y’s Tips Channel
#20 Gensen Choushuuhyou (源泉徴収票について)

Today I’d like to talk about Gensen choushuuhyou. I think some of you already know what Gensen Choushuuhyou looks like. However not so many people understand what Gensen Choushuuhyou means. So I’d like to tell you the detail about Gensen Choushuuhyou .

First of all we need to understand the procedure how to calculate your income tax. Here is your annual income. Some of money are deducted from your annual income as expenses and the rest of the money is called income before tax. And tax rate is applied on that.

Tax rate is different according to your income before tax. Tax rate increases as income before tax gets higher. If your income before tax is 5 million, the rate is 20 percent.

Since I said the tax rate is 20%, you may think income tax is 1 million yen for income before tax 5 million yen. However this is not correct. Because income tax rate increases just like steps so your income tax is calculated partially.

First of all you will calculate area A and five percent is apply on area A. Then second, area B is calculated and 10 percent is applied on area B. And area C is calculated and 20 percent is applied on only area C. The numbers are totaled and you can get your income tax is 572,500 yen. So this is the procedure how to calculate your income tax.

Let me give you an example. The man is working for the company and his annual income is 9 million yen. Since he is an employee he can use salary income deduction, social insurance deduction, like this. Also his wife is a dependent spouse and his son is a high school student. So he can deduct spousal deduction and dependent deduction as well. The basic deduction is admitted as an expense for all tax payers. The total deduction is four million five hundred forty thousand which is deducted from his annual income and his income before tax is 4 million 4 hundred sixty thousand yen.

As I said income tax is calculated partially like this and this and this. His income tax is four hundred sixty four thousand five hundred yen.

With Genshen Choushuuhyou you can see his income tax here, the blue one. And other numbers are shown like this. This is annual income, this is after the salary income deduction and total income deduction is here. However there is no income before tax on Gensen Choushuuhyou.

In order to get number of income before tax you have to calculate by yourself. You need two numbers A and B. A is after the salary deduction. B is a total income deduction. A minus B equal to income before tax. So Gensen Choushuuhyou is very important document to learn how to calculate your income tax.

Let’s move on to the residential tax. Residential tax is calculated almost the same as income tax. However the basic deduction is smaller than income tax.

The residential tax rate is 10% for all incomes, so in this case his residential tax is 451 000 yen. This number is not deducted from the December salary.

This number is divided into 12 months instead. Then it will be deducted from your monthly salary next year. That’s all for today.