

Y’s Tips Channel

Today I’d like to talk about individual type defined contribution which is called ideco in japan. With ideco you can develop your asset with tax benefit.
今回は、個人型確定拠出年金 iDeCoについてお話します。iDeCoを使うと、税制優遇を用い資産形成ができます。

In japan, there are two types of defined contribution. Let me call it dc instead. First one is dc as a company pension, which I already talked about it with my previous video. Second one is ideco as a private pension. Ideco is an abbreviation for individual type defined contribution.

Unlike company pension, with ideco you have to put your private money into your ideco account and you can save your money for your future. During the saving you can enjoy some tax benefit. That is ideco.

For example, he can put 20 000 yen every month into his identical account. Since ideco contribution can be added as tax deduction.

As you know, rate is charged to income before tax, not on your income. So if you can increase your tax deduction that means you can reduce your income tax.

So in order to understand how much you can save your money, you have to know how much your tax rate is. Here is the income tax rate table. For example, his income before tax is 5 million yen that means his maximum tax rate is 20 percent.

As I said, his contribution is tax deductible if he make a contribution 240,000 yen that means he can reduce his income tax by 48000 yen. Also he can reduce his residence tax by 24000 yen. As a result its total of saving is 72 000 yen. This is the first tax benefit for ideco.

Once he puts his money into ideco account he can purchase some financial products. While investing he can enjoy tax benefit, too. This is the second tax benefit of ideco.

Just like NISA account with ideco you don’t have to pay any income tax for the profit. For example if you make a profit without a ideco account, you have to pay 20 percent of income tax. However with ideco account you don’t have to pay income tax for the profit. You can continue the investment until age of 60 or can be extended until age of 70. So you can enjoy the tax free for a long time.

When you become age of 60 or age of 70, you can withdraw your money as a annuity or lump sum. At that time you can also use tax deduction. So this is the third tax benefit for ideco. I think you understand there are several tax benefits for ideco that’s why you can develop your money very efficiently.