
#27 Tax benefit of defined contribution (確定拠出年金の税制メリット 日本語併記)

Y’s Tips Channel
#27 Tax benefit of defined contribution (確定拠出年金の税制メリット)

Today I’d like to talk about the tax benefit of defined contribution.

In Japan many companies have company pensions. There are two types of them. One is called DB, another one is called DC. DB is an abbreviation for defined benefit. If your company provides you DB you don’t have to worry about too much. Because your company guarantees you the amount you can receive in your future. On the other hand, if your company provides you DC, which is an abbreviation for defined contribution, you have to be more careful. Because your company guarantees you only the contribution, the amount you can receive in your future depends on your investment. You have to take care of your DC by yourself.


DC is just like a bank account. Your company put your contribution into your account. Here contribution means premiums, some amount of money you can receive from your company. The amount of contribution depends on your company.

DC というのは口座のようなものです。会社はあなたの口座にcontribution を入金します。ここでは、掛金という意味で、会社があなたの口座に積立てくれるお金です。この掛金は会社ごとに異なります。

I would like to introduce you typical types of contribution. The type A, your company assumes a severance payment and divided by working period of time. In this means your contribution is just like a divided retirement payment in advance. The type B, your contribution increases if your position gets higher. In this case your contribution is just like a promotional allowance. There are different types of contributions so if you have a DC, please go ahead to ask your company.


The most of the time your contribution is paid when your salary is paid. Your salary goes to your bank account. Your company contribution goes to your DC account. Those are looks almost the same but there is a big difference between two.


For example when you receive the salary you can’t receive all the money. Because you have to pay your income tax and social insurance premiums. That’s why you can receive only the remaining. Usually the tax and social insurance premiums are about 20 to 25 percent of your salary which is a quite big amount of money.


However, if you receive your company contribution you can receive all the money. There is no deduction. You don’t have to pay any income tax or social insurance premiums from the contribution. You can invest all the money for your future. This is the biggest tax benefit for defined contribution.


Once you receive contribution, you will make an investment. The contribution will be continued until age of 60, but you can continue the investment until age of 70.


There is another tax benefit. Within DC account, if you make a profit you don’t have to pay any income tax. Usually if you make a profit from the investment, you have to pay over 20 percent of income tax. However within DC account, just like a NISA, you don’t have to pay any income tax. So you can enjoy the tax free until age of 70 as long as you continue the investment. This is the second tax benefit for defined contribution.
