
#05 2 types of healthcare insurance systems(2種類の医療保険(健康保険)について 日本語併記)

Y’s Tips Channel

#05 2 types of healthcare insurance systems

Today i’d like to talk about two types of health care insurance. As I said before Japanese social insurance systems are divided into three categories. So you would better to understand which category you are in and also which type of healthcare insurance you are covered by.


There are two types of healthcare insurance systems,one is national healthcare insurance which is called kokumin ken kohokem in Japanese. Another one is an employees health care insurance system which is called kenko hogem in Japanese.

If you are government workers or employees for companies you belong to category number two. People in group two are covered by employees health care insurance You have common benefits and additional benefits such as sickness and injury benefits and maternity benefits. Those are compensations for absence without any salaries.


If you’re a dependent spouse and your husband belongs to category number two that means you belong to category number three. People in group 3 are covered by employees health care insurance.But you have only common benefits.


If your husband belongs to category number 2,you can be group two or group three depending on your salary. If you work for the company as a part-timer and you earn more than one million three hundred thousand yen per year you will be in category number two.If you earn less than that you will be category number three. What is the difference between number two and number three? If you belong to category number two that means you have to pay your health care insurance premiums by yourself but if you are in category number three that means you don’t have to pay any healthcare insurance premiums. Because health care insurance premiums are paid by all the people who belong to category number two. Here is the exception if you work for the larger company the borderline will be less.


If you work for yourself such as a shop owners or freelancers you belong to category number one. People in group 1 are covered by national health care insurance.


If you’re a dependent spouse and your husband belongs to category number one that means you belong to category number one not three. In this case you have to pay your healthcare insurance premiums by yourself and you’re covered by national health care insurance.


When it comes to health care insurance in some cases you have to be very careful. Even though you work for the company that it doesn’t mean you are always covered by employees healthcare insurance because some smaller companies are not responsible for providing you employees healthcare insurance. If you work for a private company you may be in group one if you work for a corporation you may be in group two. So you’d better to check whether you are covered by national health care insurance or employees health care insurance.


What happens if you are infected by Coronavirus? In coronavirus case all medical expenses are free. Since coronavirus is so severe disease the government wants to expand the sickness and injury benefits to not only the people who belong to category number two but also the people who belong to category number one.


This is a good news for the people who belong to category number one. But here is an exception see if you are employers you don’t have a sickness and injury benefit even though in coronavirus case. So if you’re covered by national health care insurance you can ask any questions to your local city hall. If you are covered by employees social insurance you can ask any questions to your company.


That’s all for today.Thank you for watching. If you like my video, please subscribe my channel.

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