Y’s Tips Channel
#12 employees’ pension system(厚生年金について)

Today I would like to talk about employees’ pension system.

If you work for a company or you work for the government, you are enrolled in employees’ pension system. Or you still work for a company under the age of 70 you are also enrolled in employees’ pension system.

Employees’ pension system has more benefit compared to non employees’ pension system. Because if you are enrolled in employees’ pension that means you are also enrolled in national pension at the same time. So employee’ pension is added on the national pension.

Employees’ pension is calculated like this. Average incomes times 0.55 percentage times enrolling years for employees’ pension. By the way, 0.55 percentage is set by the government. And also you can have a national pension. National pension is calculated like this. 20,000 yen times enrolling years for national pension. Maximum length of enrolling years is 40 years so maximum amount of the old age national patient is 800,000 yen.

Let me give you an example to explain more detail. For example he works for the company for 37 years and his average income for 37 years is 5 million yen. In this case you can calculate his employees’ old age pension, 5 million times 0.55 percentage times 37 years equal to 1 million 20 thousand yen and he has a national pension 800,000 yen. So the total amount of his old age pension is one million eight hundred twenty thousand yen per year.

Here is a comparison among the person who is with a national pension and another person is with a employee’s pension. You can see working for a company results in receiving more pension. The amount will be paid until the end of your life so the difference gets bigger and bigger as the time gets longer.

Let’s take a look for the premiums. National pension premiums is 16540 yen per month. This amount applies for all the people who are enrolled in national pension. On the other hand, employees’ pension premiums is different depending on the average salary. Average salary times 18.3 percentage times one over two is your formula how to calculate employees’ pension premiums. Again 18.3 percentage is set by the government.

Under the employees’ pension system, the company is responsible to pay the half amount of your premiums. That’s why you can see one over two the end of the calculation.

Employees’ pension has more benefit. For example, if you die your family can have a death pension. In that case if you are enrolled in employee’ pension, your family can have a death pension from natural passion and employees’ pension. If you are disabled you can have a disability pension. In that case also you can have a national pension and employees’ pension at the same time. So it’s not easy to say which pension is better system or not. But it’s very important to understand what kind of pension system you are enrolled in because many people just misunderstand as long as you work for the company you are enrolled in employees’ pension automatically. But it’s not true. Some small companies don’t provide you employees’ pension so please be careful to understand what kind of pension system you are enrolled.